[HOW TO] check slot RAM information on Linux Operating System

One day you need to increase memory for physical server at Data-center. But you can't shutdown it to check the available slot. What's up next?

Luckily if you are using Linux Operating System. Because Linux has dmidecode to check hardware information.

I will tell you about dmidecode. In general you need to deeply understand what are you doing. I learned this mythology by my close friend.

dmidecode  is a tool for dumping a computer’s DMI (some say SMBIOS) table con-tents in a human-readable format. This table contains  a  description of the system’s  hardware  components,  as well as other useful pieces of information such as serial numbers and BIOS  revision.  Thanks  to  this  table, you  can retrieve  this  information  without  having to probe for the actual hardware. While this is a good point in terms of report speed and  safeness,  this  also makes the presented information possibly unreliable.

Are you know it? ok, let's check.

it shows all of mainboard information.

#dmidecode -t memory
it shows only memory information, both slot available, memory type.

Ok, you get enough.

Tiến Phan - R0039

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