[HOW TO] Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant 99%

This morning Marketing's girl came back to me. She told me to help her upgrade Windows 7 to Windows 10. Unfortunately I had a lot of task today, so I told her that I had no free time to do. But she can put it on my work space. Because I will come back when I have free time socket.

Three hours later, I work on her computer. I re-open up memories, she don't like Windows 7. She like watching media, simplicity she like latest technology. So she wishes to use Windows 10.

Nice. I upgrade Windows 10 for her via Microsoft Upgrade Assistant. Suddenly it gets stuck "Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant 99%". What is going on?

It looks like that Windows Upgrade have issues. What I need to do?

Time later I see Windows Update frequently ask me to download and install package. Windows Update and Windows Upgrade are conflict?

Because Windows Upgrade also download the update package to install. Windows Update too. I go to change the status of Windows Update in Control Panel to "Never install updates". Tightly I stop Windows Update service in Service (Control Panel/ Administrative Tools).

And I re-run Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant, amazing, it passes 99%. Finally Windows 10 ready upgrade.

Finish something always good feel for me.

Thank you for reading this article, please a comment if you are interested.

Tiến Phan - R0039

Knowledge is Endless

Sharing for Success

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